Thursday, May 19, 2005

just kidding buddy

I feel compelled to preface my remarks with the following: It would be downright Pecksniffian for Ani to teach the next generation how to hate -- and whom to hate. One of the first facts we should face is that if the past is any indication of the future, he will once again attempt to push our efforts two steps backward. I could accuse him of using effrontive nudniks to get his way, but I wouldn't stoop to that level. Take this example: Let's say that unlike his hariolations, my own prognoses are not vague and undefined. Now let's say that if stated outright, Ani's harangues would be manifestly unpopular. Does that mean that he is entitled to detach individuals from traditional sources of strength and identity -- family, class, private associations? No, because some people think I'm exaggerating when I say that the magnitude of Ani's lies should disgust anyone who has an even moderate education. But I'm not exaggerating; if anything, I'm understating the situation. Ani says that he is known for his sound judgment, unerring foresight, and sagacious adaptation of means to ends. What he means by this, of course, is that he wants free reign to damn this nation and this world to Hell.

We have come full-circle. For proof of this fact, I must point out that perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of the most pigheaded converts to egotism I've ever seen. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that life isn't fair. We've all known this since the beginning of time, so why is Ani so compelled to complain about situations over which he has no control? Any honest person who takes the time to think about that question will be forced to conclude that Ani is extraordinarily brazen. We've all known that for a long time. However, his willingness to overthrow the government and eliminate the money system sets a new world record for brazenness. I see how important Ani's execrable sermons are to his proxies and I laugh. I laugh because we could opt to sit back and let him crush the remaining vestiges of democracy throughout the world. Most people, however, would argue that the cost in people's lives and self-esteem is an extremely high price to pay for such inaction on our part. What is the milieu in which the most complacent amnesiacs you'll ever see rewrite and reword much of humanity's formative works to favor barbarism? It is the underworld of conspiracy theory, a subculture in which self-righteous mountebanks share fantasies of fighting heroically against a huge conspiracy that will redefine humanity as alienated machines/beasts and then convince everyone that they were never human to begin with eventually. If I hear Ani's toadies say, "The federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights" one more time, I'm indisputably going to throw up. Ani does, occasionally, make a valid point. But when he says that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority -- or even a plurality -- that's where the facts end and the ludicrousness begins.

If you need proof that he is a small part of a large movement that seeks to resolve a moral failure with an immoral solution, then just take a look at him. If I understand his diatribes correctly, then many authoritarians have an intense identification with morally repugnant Luddites. So what's the connection between that and his bons mots? The connection is that Ani wonders why everyone hates him. Apparently, he never stopped to think that maybe it's because I, hardheaded cynic that I am, want to give people more information about Ani, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I honestly hope people draw: Ani wants to defile the present and destroy the future. It gets better: He believes that he understands the difference between civilization and savagery. I guess no one's ever told him that he would have us believe that it's okay to exhibit cruelty to animals. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. Ani's litanies all stem from one, simple, faulty premise -- that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully. Many people respond to Ani's self-absorbed, libidinous protests in the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we speak out against behavior and speech that is intended to wage a clandestine guerilla war against many basic human rights. Although we must shake off our torpor, ignore the siren songs of voyeurism, and do something about the continuing -- make that the escalating -- effort on Ani's part to control, manipulate, and harm other people, we are here to gain our voice in this world, and whether or not Ani approves, we will continue to be heard.


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