Wednesday, June 22, 2005

a friend of a friend

First I apologize for this direct addressing of somebody who may have not wanted to be addressed. Having typed this, I am now regretting having opened with a disclaimer, a preemptive apology, or what have you, but, I don’t believe in the use of the backspace key while blogging unless to correct typos. At least, I don’t really consider that a huge typo. Moving on, this person lauded themselves for having their secret blog but through some trivial guesswork (that is, my first guess was right), I found it, and was promptly confused when I found remarks about how they love getting comments that aren't anonymous, but, if anybody could just google their name and find it, somebody should tell her so she could feel insecure and delete it or hide it better. So if you're reading, it was easy to find, unless, you've outsmarted me completely and it's merely a dummy blog to through people like me off the scent once I've found it. That said, if it's not a red herring, I'll probably comment, not-anonymously, the next time I sit down and actually read it rather than just skimming.

Brevity is not my strong suit. I am spending far too much energy being furtive rather than reading legal journals and other news publications for relevant new items to update the company websites with. Those two sentences were not really related. I am going to stop writing this and finish later while I do laundry tonight.

What is it that you are really asking for when you say you want to read "deeper" things from your friends, which I presumably am not (given that we've only met once and I doubt cake, no matter how much you may have liked it, is enough to gain trust and friendship)? More emotionally and psychologically interesting? Do you seek to analyze your friends so much? Is this some strange notion of concern for your friends? It may not be so strange, but I try to be as uncompassionate as possible, because I have an image of self-absorbedness to keep up. I want to leave comment on your blog, and link to it from here, but I fear that this would be an unwise move because I assume you’ve gone through at least some difficulty in concealing the presence of your blog from the world of would-be readers out there. I guess that makes you the second person whose blog I’ve read in the last couple weeks who probably would have much rather I didn’t.

This unrestrained flow of shit from my mind to the keyboard is something I feel that I should get away from in the future. Bah, do you see what I’ve done here? I’ve gone from addressing somebody else to a monologue about myself. Right, so, there’s this person who wants to read “deeper” things by her friends, one of which I am not. I am not discouraged by this trivial piece of information.

Actually, upon closer reading, I think the remainder of what I was going to write on this topic is far more appropriate as a comment. In fact, I’m just going to stop now and go comment all over other people’s blogs. This silly self-improvement scheme of writing things that are not quite so me-centric can wait.


Blogger Jess said...

"(given that we've only met once and I doubt cake, no matter how much you may have liked it, is enough to gain trust and friendship)?"

i don't know, that was some really great cake! :) maybe not a trust-worthy cake, but definitely a friendship-worthy cake.

should i tell her?

6/23/2005 12:46 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

hey i think you read her old blog.

6/23/2005 1:19 AM  
Blogger Russell said...

I realized this after I looked at dates and made that remark. Alas alack. That said, I recall reading some remark about how friendship could not happen without trust or something, hence those remarks.

6/23/2005 9:27 AM  

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