Saturday, June 25, 2005

carmen dating

I was talking with this person the other day, and I mentioned how something reminded me of Carmen Sandiego (Jakarta was the topic of conversation). And then they were like, "what? What's Carmen Sandiego?" And I was dumbstruck. I didn't think I was that old, and for a while, I was just struck that it might be possible for me to be talking to somebody only 4 years my junior and have them not be familiar with the cultural phenomenon that was Carmen Sandiego. I mean, shit, books, computer games, TV show, fucking rockapella, she had a lot of recognition, and I imagine most anybody else I know would know what I'm talking about.

Maybe they just didn't play old computer games or watch TV (it wasn't even a cable show, so that excuse doesn't fly) or something. But the conversation struck me as quite weird.


Blogger L said...

haha! i used to love that show! especially when they had to run around that big map and put the thingy in the correct place.
"where in the world is carmen sandiego?" these days...

6/25/2005 2:15 PM  

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