Tuesday, July 12, 2005

job search

I was playing around with some news aggregation software at work to expedite the process of finding and filtering relevant articles out for updating our sites, and I saw this link to some article about blogs and job searching. Being that I will almost certainly be looking for a job this coming year, with my disinclination towards further schooling at present, I find it somewhat worrying that I am writing in this blog about this article. (Jul 14: another article)

A cursory google search for my name indicates that my older blogger account, not this one, shows up, along with my blog from as far back as early high school. There used to be another blog that I even maintained a bit up until recently, but in an attack of paranoia I have since replaced it with a blank placeholder. When I get some more time I'll go through and systematically remove myself from things like the google cache. Sorry to disappoint the residents of 5345 #1 who were reading it, I hope you all read to your satisfaction already.

Would the things I said in high school be a liability to me? Maybe, but probably not. Would the things I said in the last year on the now unavailable blog be? Probably yes, I think. Will this one too come to be so anxiety laden when I try to update that it too will be abandoned? I guess time will tell on that one. Whatever the case, I've now divested myself entirely of any sort of continuing attachment to the old blogs and the blogger account with which they are associated. I'll not delete them for my own archival's sake, but no more for the public eye.


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