Monday, October 03, 2005


What the heck is wrong with me?! My sleep schedule has been, well, I thought really good since I've been back in Chicago. I wasn't getting sleepy so much in the middle of days at all last week, but then today it all fell apart. I woke up this morning before my alarm, which has become typical, having gotten more than eight hours of sleep, which should be adequate. Then, at around 12:40, ten minutes into my class, about 5 hours after waking up, I just totally fell apart. I couldn't keep my eyes open and I think I fell asleep for five or ten minutes even. Like not just a brief snooze, but I fell asleep, hard. Then I snapped out of it, and was completely alert again for the remainder of the class, and day.

This is not an acceptable habit to develop. I guess I'm going to have to restart my habit of having some caffeine immediately before blocks of classes. How frustrating, I thought I was pretty much done with chemical dependence.


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