Wednesday, July 20, 2005

food and drink

While I was getting this free haircut yesterday, the guy handed me a copy of the June Esquire Magazine because we were waiting for the intimidating Kristof guy to come back and continue his teaching on my head. Anyway, I was flipping through it and in this one article, which was some list of "things we are pretty sure will remain healthy for the next few years", said that procrastinating and lying are bad for your health. The reasoning behind it being that apparently the anxiety from having these nagging thoughts from procrastination, and the guilt from being deceptive both detract from one's health.

A quick google search found this article about how feeling guilty about doing things will lead to decreased immune system strength. Also linked was an article about how being more stressed will slow the healing process. This is all nothing particularly new though, as I imagine most people are at least vaguely familiar with the notion that being extra stressed will make your immune response poorer.

Wait nevermind. I'm just going to stop here rather than go on making assumptions about the people around me. I'll just work on absolving myself of guilt in the name of good health.


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