Friday, July 22, 2005


How is it that a person can be made to feel obligated to their peers to update a blog constantly? I find the notion kind of absurd, and I very much like to think that I do not write these things for the sake of people reading, but primarly for the sake of myself.

I understand that this is perhaps a bit of a self-absorbed position to take, but, let me tell you, if somebody were to voice a complaint that I hadn't updated recently enough, having been maybe only a week since the last update, I'd probably be pretty annoyed. I mean, I'd absolutely be annoyed if I said in advance I was leaving, or something, but that obviously isn't what I'm talking about. I mean, suppose I just stopped for a week? What then? Nothing, I should hope.

I realize I am often as guilty as anybody of being overly apologetic, but I feel that certainly in the case of maintaining some personal weblog, it's just silly to feel obligated to people to update. Readers have done nothing for me, and in turn do not feel as I must do anything for readers.


Blogger L said...

man that sounded kind of bitter and was too harsh a reaction.
in this case, i think it's more of an expression of interest in a blog, like a compliment, to ask for updates. if the blog sucked, then obviously we wouldn't care if there were updates or not. it's not like real pressure or anything.

7/25/2005 2:56 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

Hahaha such response. I think yes, it was certainly too harsh and a foolish reaction at that, but I feel like it would have been lame to just delete it after the first person told me as much.

7/25/2005 6:38 PM  

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