Thursday, August 25, 2005

wasting time

I did a lot of things today, that for whatever reason, as I sit here and kill about thirty minutes waiting for the next woot to be put up, are coming to mind. I got trapped in an elevator, that one sort of sticks out. I fessed to having created a totally fictional internet persona that I had used to preserve anonymity to the few people left I was using it to interact with. I had a lengthy email conversation with somebody I haven't spoken to in two years, and had barely even met in the first place. I got a letter written weeks ago, only just today.

Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? I was going to leave work, and go home and pick up some sidewalk chalk in preparation for a somewhat malicious prank I have considered participating in. I walked out of the office at around 5:30, and pressed the down button at the elevator. I work on the 10th floor, for reference.

The elevator got there, and two people were in there already. The buttons for one and four had been pressed. Seeing this, I just stepped all the way in, and turned to face the door and wait. The door closed, the elevator jerked momentarily, and then stopped.

For the next 45 minutes, I was stuck in the elevator, but really, for the whole time, I just didn't care. I was annoyed that I was going to be stuck there. One of the people in the elevator was this guy with only one good eye, and I don't know if it was because we were stuck or what, but he had this weird way of talking in a sort of rushed and repetitious way. The other person was this woman who as soon as we stopped started calling all these friends and family. I just sat down and started reading. Well, not immediately, first we pushed a lot of buttons, and in pushing the alarm button a lot eventually the super or something showed up, and he apparently knew the guy in the elevator with me, and so they were talking, and he was like "I'm gonna stay here until you guys get out, so, just hold on." One of my coworkers came over to see what the commotion was about and asked if I was in there and if I was ok and how I was doing. In general, there was so much comforting or whatever going on, and I wasn't really sure why. I was just bored, and annoyed that I was going to get home that much later as a consequence. I never really felt particularly panicked or anything like that. Should I have? I imagine if there were more people in there, I would just get more annoyed, though I suppose at some point there might have been enough people that it would be beyond my theorized comfort zone.

I don't know. All things considered, it was kind of weird to just get stuck there for 45 minutes. If it weren't for all the yelling, I think I would have gotten quite a lot of reading done.

A couple days ago, I ran into this person who I did Habitat for Humanity with for a week in New Oreleans. I haven't really talked to her almost at all since then, but apparently she's been in NYC all Summer. This one particular day, she happened to be outside the 116th and Broadway gates to Columbia. I was going to cross the street to pick up a Village Voice before getting on the subway for work. I happened to run into her, and then today I was engaged in an active email conversation. It's sort of weird running into people like that. I actually ran into three UChicago people on that one day. That too was pretty strange. Anyway, that was weird. Maybe I'll take her up on trying to do something before she heads out of town next week.

About a year and a half ago, I made up a person. I created an aim account, livejournal page, gmail account, and so forth. Actually the gmail account was preceded by a yahoo mail account, but, whatever. With this person, I started fostering internet friendships with people who are basically complete strangers to me. Most of the people I initially reached out to, I've since completely fallen out of touch with again, but as of today there were still two people who I infrequently talked with. So at work, I was thinking about it, and I thought I didn't really have any reason to keep it up any more, and things would be so much easier if I sort of collapsed these two distinct internet personas into one. And so, I did. It was a great feeling of relief, suddenly not having this double life. Though, I didn't really follow through by waiting to hear what they thought of it. I assume there won't be any fallout for having been somewhat deceived all this time, but, really, I don't know. Worst case, I figure I'll just finish dropping out of touch with people who I'd already nearly done that with.

Oh well. It's about one now, so, hopefully I'll get around to writing a reply to this letter I got today, weeks after it was written. The author left the country so it's no big rush on my part, as they won't get the letter for a while no matter what.

This whole entry seems to be so filled with mindless drivel. I suppose it's mostly for my own sake that I should commit to some storage that I might see it a long time from now.


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